29–31 May 2024
Europe/Bucharest timezone

Stakeholder mapping for value creation of new circular business models

Not scheduled


Matthias Haase (ZHAW)


Purpose: In Circular Economy Management, various stakeholders play different roles that contribute to the value chain within the circular economy. These stakeholders need to be tracked and motivated to contribute to a circular economy. They include suppliers and raw material providers, manufacturers and producers, distributors and retailers, consumers, waste management and recycling industry, and reverse logistics and circular service providers (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017). In addition, real estate developers as well as facility managers have a growing interest in both, the expansion of the value chain within the building as well as associated with facility services within the optimized building operation.

Methods: The research approach is drawing upon real estate development projects as case studies. It maps the different stakeholders and analyses their role in the value creation.
Findings: A range of new value creation stakeholders were identified and analysed to which extend their role is defined in traditional business models. The key benefits for owners and real estate investors comes from the adaptability to changing market demands, re-use and repurpose, low impact on urban ecology and biodiversity, innovative new real estate products among others.
Originality/Conclusion: This study pioneers an exploration into the stakeholders in the value creation. It shows the benefits of encouraging stakeholders to actively participate in the co-creation and co-innovation of circular solutions. This involves identifying different stakeholders in the design and development of strategies, policies, and projects related to the circular economy. By defining their new role, diverse business models, as well as innovative and effective solutions can be developed.

Topics Circular economy
Keywords value creation, circular economy, business model

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