29–31 May 2024
Europe/Bucharest timezone

Circular Economy Key Performance Indicators in Buildings

Not scheduled


Abdulaziz AlJaber (University of Birmingham)


Circular economy concept has gained a significant attention in recent years as an ideal approach to resource management and waste reduction. The principles of circular economy have emerged as a promising framework to minimize environmental impacts and maximize resource efficiency throughout the entire life cycle of a building. To effectively assess and monitor the progress towards circularity in buildings, the development and implementation of appropriate key performance indicators (KPIs) are crucial. This paper aims to identify circular economy KPIs in the construction of circular buildings. It also emphasizes the need for KPIs that can measure the performance of buildings in terms of resource efficiency, waste reduction, and material reuse. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of circular economy KPIs in the building sector, aiming to support industry professionals, policymakers, and researchers in understanding and implementing effective measurement and evaluation frameworks. By adopting and tracking these KPIs, stakeholders can assess the progress towards circularity, identify areas for improvement, make informed decisions, and drive the transition towards more circular buildings.

Keywords Circular economy; Key performance indicators; Buildings
Topics Circular economy

Primary author

Abdulaziz AlJaber (University of Birmingham)


Charalampos Baniotopoulos (University of Birmingham, UK) Pedro Martinez-Vazquez (University of Birmingham)

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